Easy Landscape With Poster Colours Very Easy

42 Easy Watercolor Landscape Painting Ideas for Beginners

If you have just begun to learn to dip your brush in paint then you might often wonder what to paint. As a beginner, you don't want something too complex or intricate to paint. That would make the whole painting process not so relaxing. In such times, your best bet is to go with a simple landscape. Probably because we have been drawing them since we were in kindergarten, they seem like a nice and safe choice. These Easy Watercolor Landscape Painting Ideas for Beginners would tell you how to paint it in different ways.

What is a Landscape?

Often when we talk about a landscape, we get a general picture in our minds of mountains with clouds hovering above and some green on the ground. A few trees here and there, maybe a river too. Well, that's exactly a landscape but since the landscape is all about natural scenery gifted by mother earth, you can get a lot more creative with landscape paintings. Paint dancing trees or golden light piercing the sky. Look through the hundreds of pictures available on the internet. Snap a picture of a pink sky or a lovely view that strikes your eyes when you are out hiking and start painting. Use pencils if you are not sure about working with watercolors directly.

Watercolor Landscape Painting Ideas

Watercolor Landscape Painting Ideas

Watercolor Landscape Painting Ideas

Watercolor Landscape Painting Ideas

Easy Watercolor Landscape Painting Ideas for Beginners

Beach Watercolor Paintings

Watercolor Landscape Painting Ideas

Watercolor Landscape Painting Ideas

Beaches give you the perfect landscape to paint. You can have a lot of fun with painting a balanced picture of sand, water, and trees.

Public Parks Painting Ideas

Watercolor Landscape Painting Ideas

Watercolor Landscape Painting Ideas

If you live in a concrete jungle then public parks would definitely give you a good eyeful of the landscape. Add some figures of kids without going too much into details.

How to Paint Lakeside View

Watercolor Landscape Painting Ideas

Watercolor Landscape Painting Ideas

Nothing seems more calming than a sun just above the horizon on the lakeside, looking like any time now it would drown into the lake.

How to paint Starry Night with Watercolor

Watercolor Landscape Painting Ideas

Watercolor Landscape Painting Ideas

Give the sky a shade of blue and paint sleeping trees in black to paint a silent night. But make sure to add stars in the sky.

Into The Woods

Watercolor Landscape Painting Ideas

Watercolor Landscape Painting Ideas

Paint a picture of a forest with lots of trees of different shades of green and some so long that they may seem to be touching the sky.


Watercolor Landscape Painting Ideas

Watercolor Landscape Painting Ideas

Capture the beauty of reflection of tress on the water by painting a long stream with pebbles nearby.

The Nowhere Villa

Watercolor Landscape Painting Ideas

Watercolor Landscape Painting Ideas

Bring out a different side of the wilderness by painting a home surrounded by lots of trees.

Rocky Mountains

Watercolor Landscape Painting Ideas

Watercolor Landscape Painting Ideas

Play with the shape of the mountains and give them a good touch of green grounds and blue skies.

How to Paint Waterfalls

Watercolor Landscape Painting Ideas

Watercolor Landscape Painting Ideas

Upgrade the usual mountain paintings and give it a touch of a magnificent waterfall to create some great art pieces.

Easy Ocean Painting Ideas with Watercolors

Watercolor Landscape Painting Ideas

Watercolor Landscape Painting Ideas

You could have a lot of fun while painting the ocean as you would get to play with different tones of blue.

How should a beginner paint landscape?

There are so many things you could do but you might be still stuck on the dilemma of how to start. Use these few basic tips to start with your landscape.

  • Don't get into detailing just yet. Rather than adding details into the whole painting add only to a few aspects of it, keep the rest simple and clutter-free.
  • Play with bold textures for trees and shrubs to add jazz to your painting.
  • Paint with that palette knife if you are working on canvas instead of only mixing colors with it. You can create a lot of texture with it. Give it a try.
  • Don't paint details, paint illusions. It would be very complex to draw each and every single tree in a forest or every strand of grass on the ground. So simply create the general shape and then add varying tones to make it look real.
  • Make sure you know the areas where the colors would be dark or light. A perfect balance between light and dark would really help to bring out the whole picture.
  • Know that the time of the day you would be painting would affect the whole picture. So if the sun is bright in the blue sky then all the colors should be vibrant and if the day is gloomy then everything should be painted in a rather dull tone.
  • Don't aim for perfection and don't hesitate to skip some objects that are in real. Not everything has to be included in the painting.

Watercolor Landscape Painting Ideas

Watercolor Landscape Painting Ideas

Watercolor Landscape Painting Ideas

Watercolor Landscape Painting Ideas

Watercolor Landscape Painting Ideas

How do you start watercolor for beginners?

For the newbies who don't know how to get messy perfectly with watercolors, here is the way to get it done.

  • Before we tell you how to work with watercolors, you gotta go and buy them. Duh! Wink! So a set or two or maybe more with a large palette, we leave that decision on you.
  • As soon as you have your watercolors with you, make a chart of the colors so that you would know how the colors look on paper.
  • Next, get some paintbrushes depending on your liking, that is, if you want them small or big or maybe a nice collection of both.
  • Canvas is not ideal for watercolors, at least not without some extra gesso. So invest in the watercolor paper which is perfect as it does not absorb the pigment.
  • Always keep a cloth handy to blot your brush and a cup full of water to clean your paintbrush.
  • Now comes the painting part. You just need to hydrate the color and then dip your brush into water and then dab it onto a pigment. Bring this brush with pigment to the paper and start painting. Easy!
  • Experiment with different pigments and come up with some new of your own. That's the best part about watercolors; you don't need a set of a large number of colors. A set with few basic colors would help you to make new different colors easily.
  • Here we are withClever Watercolor Painting Techniques for Beginners to Improve your skills.

Watercolor Landscape Painting Ideas

Watercolor Landscape Painting Ideas

Watercolor Landscape Painting Ideas

Watercolor Landscape Painting Ideas

Watercolor Landscape Painting Ideas

Watercolor Landscape Painting Ideas

Watercolor Landscape Painting Ideas

Watercolor Landscape Painting Ideas

Watercolor Landscape Painting Ideas

Watercolor Landscape Painting Ideas

Watercolor Landscape Painting Ideas

Watercolor Landscape Painting Ideas

Watercolor Landscape Painting Ideas

Watercolor Landscape Painting Ideas

Watercolor Landscape Painting Ideas

Watercolors are easy to work with and you wouldn't need to wait too long for them to dry. So make as many as you want. Happy painting!


Source: https://www.hercottage.com/2020/07/15/watercolor-landscape-painting-ideas/

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